Big Data Solutions Consultancy
With consultancy of possible Big Data Solutions, applied specifically to your business case, the implementation of Big Data technologies and Analytical solutions will boost your data potential, business metrics and KPI, as well as your bottlecnecks and forecasts
What we offer?
Our Big Data Consulting beareu will integrate your data sources, process your datasets, provide business insights from them and recommend the most successful data culture implementation approach using advanced technologies and solutions such as Delta Lakes, Apache Hadoop and its Ecosystem, MPP databases, BI systems, cloud services and a set of appropriate Open-Source python libraries. We offer a solid big data solutions consulting and a quick implementation procedure
Big Data Consulting Services & Implementation
Big data technology's advantages can never be overstated. You may think of any large-scale commercial activity, and we're confident that big data techniques and technologies can be easily applied to it. The benefits usually include, but not limited to the following:
  • New business possibilities (new niches, new product development, new target audience)
  • Data storage that is less expensive (store data in raw format, column-oriented, zipped, and query directly files)
  • Marketing that works better (more accurate marketing strategy, better optimization)
  • Precise forecasts of the metrics and processes according to specific situations etc.
  • Enhanced operational effectiveness (quicker and more precise decision-making process)
  • Better Customer service (customer churn prediction, improved communication)
DUC Technologies Bid Data Solutions will include:
  • Data integration services
    Data lake is a repository of all company`s data storage. Data Lake stores all available data in one logical place that gives opportinity to faster get insight your data. Data Lake can store all kind of data such as structured (tables), semistructured (logs, XML, JSON) and unstructured (text, audio, video, pictures).
  • Data Lake implementation
    Data lake is a repository of all company`s data storage. Data Lake stores all available data in one logical place that gives opportinity to faster get insight your data. Data Lake can store all kind of data such as structured (tables), semistructured (logs, XML, JSON) and unstructured (text, audio, video, pictures).
  • Data orchestration and processing services
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
  • AI & BI Services
    BI services can be both dashboards and back end services written in pure python code. With use of dashboards, we can help companies to provide analytics of their business. Additionally, our AI services will forecast the bahaviour of the object or the process. The output of the AI service an be both automatic control action or another visualization dashboards that will show the forecasting results of the object.
Big Data technologies
We are using Open-Source Big Data technologies for Data Storage, Processing and Analysis. We use the following Best Practise Big Data tools:
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