What do we offer?
External cybersecurity audit is an independent assessment of ISMS (Information Security Management System), specifically its effectiveness and alignment with the company's objectives. It identifies data leakage risks and data protection issues.
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Basic Information Security Audit

What is included in the audit?
Service delivery time: from 2 weeks.
expert documentary examination of the state of information protection and information systems based on auditors' experience;
analysis of the security of information systems using technical means to detect potential vulnerabilities in the software and hardware complex;
analysis of infrastructure security, system configuration, and the use of security mechanisms;
analysis of infrastructure management and ensuring its stable operation;
analysis of unauthorized user access to the system;
alist of data sources is compiled, individuals with access rights and their levels are specified, and methods of data exchange, storage, and usage are analyzed;
analysis of the organization's security system.
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After conducting the research and analysis, a comprehensive audit report is prepared. This report includes information about the identified issues and deficiencies along with recommended methods to address them. It serves as a valuable document for stakeholders to understand the state of information security and take necessary actions to enhance it.

Order an advanced IT audit

We also provide additional audit services:
What after that?
We assess the correctness of data handling by the company's personnel and their knowledge of regulatory documents related to information security. This includes checking the access rights distribution mechanism, the effectiveness of protection against malware, and the internal monitoring procedures for information security.
Assessment of information processes.
We search for leaked passwords, tokens, and credentials in the code.
We conduct an information leakage search.
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Order any of the necessary options for the information security audit service:

Basic Information Security Audit
What's included:

The main set of our ISMS audit services
from 2 weeks
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Advanced Information Security Audit
What's included:

Package of services "Basic IT Audit" +
Service "Assessment of Information Processes" +
Service "Search for Information Leaks"
from 4 weeks
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