Conducting an audit of the Python program code

We evaluate the quality of the code
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Service "Python Code Audit"

As part of the basic audit, we check the security and standardization of the code of your application or IT system in Python.
Plan to hand over your project to a new contractor,
You yourself have received a ready-made software product and want to assess the quality of the code,
Want to check the level of professionalism of the team that wrote the code.
A code audit is required if you:
Audit period: from 2 weeks, depending on the project.
The audit of the program code is needed not only by clients, but also by the developers themselves. We provide a program code audit service according to the terms of reference or task description to be performed by the code received for the audit.
In addition to the audit, we refactoring Python code, namely
We make the code more understandable, readable and supported

Service "Audit + code refactoring"

Most of our customers, combined with code audit, order a code base refactoring service.
When refactoring the code of your software product, we introduce generally accepted standards into the code base, assist in eliminating hard-to-maintain objects, and develop a methodology for transferring code to different environments.
Software refinement takes too long for developers due to difficulties in integrating new features into old code.
To eliminate errors, you need to find out the causes of them for a long time and look for problem areas of the code.
Developers cannot understand the code, it is difficult to read it.
You need to make the same changes to different parts of the code.
Refactoring is performed after code audit and is required if:
Terms of audit and refactoring: 2-4 weeks, depending on the project.